IRS - Federal Income Tax Refund Information
Below you will find information on how to check the status of your federal income tax refund.
If you want to find out the status of your federal income tax refund, please wait AT LEAST one day after the IRS acknowledges receipt of your electronically filed tax year 2024 tax return or three to four days for tax years 2022 and 2023. If you mailed a paper tax return to the IRS, wait at least 4 weeks before checking the status of your tax refund.
NOTES: If you filed Form 8379 “Injured Spouse Allocation” with your federal income tax return, you will need to wait at least 11 weeks if you filed your tax return electronically (14 weeks if you mailed a paper tax return) before you can check the status of your tax refund.
Your tax refund may also be delayed if the IRS decides to examine your tax return. Also, many tax returns are now being flagged for additional review because of the high risk of identity theft. The IRS may send you a letter requesting additional information to prove your identity before releasing your tax refund.
If you owe back Federal taxes, your tax refund will be offset. You may call the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) at (800) 829-1040 to find out the amount you owe. If you owe any other delinquent government debts, such as state income tax, child support, alimony, student loans, V.A. loans, or other federally-sponsored loans, your tax refund may be offset. For additional information, contact the government agency to whom you owe the debt or call the United States Treasury Financial Management Service (FMS) at (800) 304-3107.
IRS Tax Refund Status
IRS Tax Refund Status for AMENDED Tax Returns
IRS Tax Refund Status for Tax Years Prior to 2024
Call the IRS: (800) 829-1040